damn cables
Yep yep, I am fussing about the cables. The cables inside my computer that is. I recently wiped my harddrive. I say recently, actually it was about a month ago. I finally got around to reinstalling Nero last week. Yes, I finally had the urge to burn some CD's. One CD I needed to burn was very important too, because it was for Jason. Anyway, I tried and tried to get this damn thing to work and finally decided that my drive must have gone bad. So I found the paperwork where I bought it and found that it was still under warranty. I wrote to the place I ordered it from and explained the situation. They wrote my back today giving me the instructions to ship the drive back to them for replacement.
Well, this isn't so bad I thought. I will just wait til my new drive comes and and pack the old one in there and ship it off for replacement. Yes, I went ahead and ordered a new one because I'm missing my CD burner. (YEah I know I have one in the server, but it's too slow!) I ordered a new CDRW + DVD combo drive. Of course this is not the DVD burner similar to what Jason has - just a CDRW. I don't really want to spend the money on a DVD burner right now.
Well, I decided to try a few things - like swapping the drives around in the computers. When I put the Mitsumi (that's my fast CD burner) in the server it burned just fine. So that got me thinking wtf is wrong here. So I started checking setttings and shit. Anyway to make a long story short - yeah I know, too late! - the cable that was going to the drives in my desktop was bad. It might just have been bent the wrong way or something. It seems I have some ass backwards cables that have to be turned a certain way for them to be plugged in. I mean that they really have to be twisted, in some cases 180 degrees. I guess they were designed for another type of motherboard or some because they were definately not designed for any of my stuff. But I have new cable in here and the drive is working fine! Consequently the DVD drive seems to be working better too. It was a bit sluggish before.
Would it be too much to ask for you to listen to me whine about work for a bit? I hope not. I am really trying to make the best of my job, but I tell you with some of the people I have to be with at work it really is putting a strain on me. You ever get the feeling that people just don't like you? Well that's the feeling I get at work. I overheard that one ignorant bitch (the one I Really dislike) telling someone "Lisa went and got Robbie to fix the Minganti when I was standing right here". Well there were a few reasons - the main one being that I told Lisa that if that machine didn't start to come get me because I had been messing with it. I just get really frustrated because it seems I am the only one who really knows what to do to keep the machines running. And I try to jump in there and keep them going but it really seems like others dislike that. I guess I'll just start leaving them alone and keepign to myself. And tell them to go get the supervisor to fix their problems. I guess my biggest issue is that I know what I'm doing and I've only been there like nine months. And most of the these other people have been there way longer than me and some can't do half of the stuff I can. And you know the really sad part? I make less than almost all of them. What the fuck kind of shit is that?
And I might have spoke too damn soon on the CD burner. The CD I was playing seems to fuck up on the end. I might go witha different cable. But the only ones I have left are DMA 66 cables. I need to order a couple of the 33 cables. The ones I have are kind of old. So I'm going back to the drawing board. I'll let you know if it's better :-)
Posted by wyldrob
at 1:55 AM EST