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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Friday, 10 October 2003
being lazy
I've been lazy lately. I have not even taken the time to write in here. I guess it's mostly because no one reads it anyway. Well if anyone does read it, they don't have any responses. Maybe that's a good thing!

Let's see if I can go over the highlights of the week.
--- Monday evening, I went to Mama's - finally. I can really find nothing wrong with the computer except that she hasn't been updating Windows. She's complaining about it being so slow. But let's see, her MS Outlook PST is over 550 MB. But she doesn't see the problem with that. She doesn't believe in deleting old emails. She thinks she will need them later. I think if she has not needed them by now, then chances are she won't. I tell her to save the email to a ZIP disk, but she won't listen to me there either. Go figure. I guess I just don't know anything. I spent the night there and came back home Tuesday.
--- Tuesday I came home - much later than I wanted. Millard, Rubenia and I met at the Outback and had a few drinks and a bite to eat. Not much else happened this day
--- Wednesday and Thursday - work. I don't think I need to say much here! I think I mentioned that my supervisor was being moved as of this week and I got a new one. He doesn't seem too bad. He does like to watch us like a hawk though. He's very adamant (i think that's the right word although the spelling's probably wrong) about breaks and things. I heard he told one person to hurry and get back when this guy was getting some water. But he does have good points too. He told us several times during the days that we were doing a good job or whatever. I think that helps. I know some people could care less, but I personally think it does help morale of the employees. I think we like to be told we are doing a good job and that we are appreciated.
--- Friday - Well.. let's see where today began. Oh yeah at 7AM. And you know how I hate getting up outta bed. But Regina needed me to take Dana to school. I did much of nothing today. When I got back this morning, I got on the comptuer for a little while and then laid around watching TV and reading a book. I still have not finished "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", although I've been reading it for about two weeks. It's unlike me to take so long to read a book. But it's getting ready, just slowly. After a while, I decided that I needed a nap. So I went to sleep for several hours. By the time I woke up and got oriented, I missed the time to go pick up Regina's mower. That thing has been in the shop for like three weeks. I was going to surprise her and just go get it and put it back under the shed and see if she noticed. But I'll have to save that for another day.
I did finally go see the Old Man. He thinks they might actually let him go home from the hospital tomorrow. I wish him luck with that. He's been in there a week. I am sure he's ready to go home now! And look what he get to go home too - Julie Dumbass. Lucky him. I'm glad I don't have to go home to that idiot.

Well that's pretty much the highlights of the week so far. I have to give up one more Saturday for orientation - and that is tomorrow. I'll be glad to get it over with. So I am looking foward to my next three day weekend - in two weeks. I just hope it doesn't get spoiled and they make me go work. That would suck! If anything else noteworthy happens, I'll be sure to write it down.

And be sure to drop Jason a line @ and try to cheer him up.. He's down in the dumps. I've tried to help, but I don't think I'm that good at it.

Posted by wyldrob at 8:57 PM EDT
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Saturday, 11 October 2003 - 8:52 AM EDT

Name: jason

lol, i'm feeling much better now, thx. i went to bed at 730 pm and woke up at 830 am...

the server was fucked up all night, cuz something running was eating cpu cycles. i think it might be either winamp or aim...

and i did know what today was.. happy 10/11 :-p (mama didn't know, and she wasn't really pleased when i told her lol)

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