Does anyone ever listen to me when I offer my two cents? I don't think so. Take my sister - Krista. I told her a couple of months ago when she was looking for a computer to let me know before she bought anything. And did she? Hell no! But I wish her luck with her new Gateway. She also got six months of free AOhell. I tried to tell her again that she really didn't need that. Of course she didn't listen. And now she's getting her first taste of what it's like on there. She called me this morning saying that she had to call AOL because her account was locked. It appears that someone got her password and spammed a bunch of people from her account. Well, I told her she should NEVER get out her pw. Maybe she won't have any more trouble, but with them you never know.
Work was not bad yesterday. Although I have to admit getting to this new boss is gonna take a while. I walked off to go pee, after I told the guy beside me that I'd brb, and the boss said I had to tell him! Well what if that sorry fucker ain't around? Needless to say that kind of got off with me. I had to just brush it off. What I cannot deal with is the fact I'm getting the run around about my pay raise. I am gonna try to hold off a couple more weeks before asking about it. But I definately feel I deserve it. I still have a couple of the others who have been there a long while asking me questions about some of the machines. IT just annoys me to death. Maybe I'll get lucky soon.
My knee is starting to feel a bit better. I turned on it yesterday (by mistake) and I heard a pop. I thought that would have done me in, but actually it seemed to help. It didn't really bother me anymore until I got home last night. And now this morning it's got a slight ache, but nothing unbearable. I get to goto physical therapy tomorrow morning at 8AM. Just what I need on my day off! To have to get up early!
I just talked to Rubenia. She wants me to join her after work. I've got to hear about her new job. She said she likes it. So I'll get the details later. I need to call Millard and make sure he'll be there too!
Well I guess that's all for now.
Posted by wyldrob
at 11:01 AM EDT