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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Thursday, 24 July 2003
OK, so this blog thing is up and running and I have the colors set up pretty much like I want them. - at least for now. I am sure I'll change them later. I will probably make them match the rest of my website layout or something. What you think?

OK, work starts back tomorrow for the long weekend. Gosh, I hate working the long weekends. But the bright side is that I'll be off next weekend. No, actually the bright side is that I only have to work two days next week! And it will be interesting to see how work goes tomorrow too. A couple of my fellow co-workers seem to be upset because the company seems to be choosing to hire me for a permanent position over them. But that's life I guess. Win some, loose some - that's the old saying.

Since I have to work all weekend, I'm not sure if I'll write anything else before Monday. I might need some encourangement from everyone out there!

Posted by wyldrob at 3:58 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 July 2003 - 4:13 PM EDT

Name: jason
Home Page:

ok, where's the box that says 'remember my info'? LOL

i know you'll have fun working over the weekend.. and you'll have me to bug you as soon as you return from being away on aim..rofl

Thursday, 24 July 2003 - 4:22 PM EDT

Name: Robbie

well i am not sure where that button is. But if you were using IE 6, then you should be able to just double click the box and get your info.. you know.. the autocomplete function.. lol

Thursday, 24 July 2003 - 9:09 PM EDT

Name: jason

well duh... same for moz... the point is tho, my blog will remember via a cookie! what sayest thou to that???


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