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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Friday, 3 October 2003
work and hospitals
Is being able to work grand? I think some people truely believe that. I guess those are the people who really love their jobs. Don't get me wrong, I like my job, but I wish I were rich or something and didn't have to work. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I do have a job this day and age. There are many people who don't have one. They are making some more chnages up there, so starting next week, I'm gonna have a new boss. I hope he isn't too bad to work for. Only time will tell.

They put Daddy in the hospital last night. He keeps getting this fluid build up around his heart and lungs and they don't know why. They are trying to run tests to find the cause. Good luck to them. It sounds like he will at least be in there all weekend. They aren't telling him how long yet. Maybe he'll find out more tomorrow.

I am considering a trip to Vidalia on Monday. That should be interesting. AFAIK, mama is still cussing at her computer and the fact that it still has viruses. I don't know what to do. I told her that I could fix it all, just by wiping the entire thing. She did not find that amusing in the least. I have never seen anyone so protective of their email. She has stuff from four or five years ago that she says she needs. I just don't see it.

Well, no one's really chatting tonight. Of course that has been the case for about a week now. Guess I pissed some people off. It wouldn't surprise me. It certainly wouldn't be the first time, and I 'm sure it won't be the last! So being no one is talking, I guess I'll go do something else. Hmmm. drinking a bottle of Crown sounds like an idea....

Posted by wyldrob at 9:01 PM EDT
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