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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Thursday, 24 July 2003
no quotes here
Well, I am not going to put up any quotes tonight. For those of you who read this, you know where I got that from.

I started watching "Sling Blade" earlier. But I decided to stop it and read more of "The Bone Collector" instead.

Not much going on at this hour. Just talking to a couple of people. I am trying to find out some details of a close friend, where she has disappeared to. That has turned up nothing as of yet. I guess I have to wait until i meet with her mother next week to learn something.

I did manage to write to another friend today. That is something I have been meaning to do for a while. I have just put it off. Unfortunately he has no access to a computer, so the only correspondence I get is through the ole USPS - yep SNAIL MAIL! Yuck!

OK, for the people who come here and have not done it yet, go sign the guestbook!!!

Posted by wyldrob at 9:12 PM EDT
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OK, so this blog thing is up and running and I have the colors set up pretty much like I want them. - at least for now. I am sure I'll change them later. I will probably make them match the rest of my website layout or something. What you think?

OK, work starts back tomorrow for the long weekend. Gosh, I hate working the long weekends. But the bright side is that I'll be off next weekend. No, actually the bright side is that I only have to work two days next week! And it will be interesting to see how work goes tomorrow too. A couple of my fellow co-workers seem to be upset because the company seems to be choosing to hire me for a permanent position over them. But that's life I guess. Win some, loose some - that's the old saying.

Since I have to work all weekend, I'm not sure if I'll write anything else before Monday. I might need some encourangement from everyone out there!

Posted by wyldrob at 3:58 PM EDT
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up and running
OK, so the blog page is up and running. I'll try to post to it regularly, but can't make too many promises!

Posted by wyldrob at 2:04 PM EDT
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