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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Monday, 28 July 2003
home sweet home
Well I wouldn't really say that I have a home sweet home at this point in time. I have a place where I live. And I would rather stay away from there. So that's what I am doing tonight. So I decided I would torture my sister by staying at her house tonight. But she's really good about it and doesn't mind putting up with me for a bit.

We managed some Chinese for supper tonight. I was thankful for that. It settle my two week craving for Chinese food. Although I would have loved to have some Seasame Chicken. But I settled for the Pepper Steak and Shrimp Fried Rice. I did enjoy it. It was really good tonight. Guess the good cook was there!

Well, I did see an awful wreck this morning. I was on my way to get my haircut and got stuck in the traffic. I was stuck there moving inch by inch for about 25 minutes. And this was in maybe a half of mile stretch. And I tell you that it is amazing if the person(s) in the SUV survived the accident. That thing was practically ran over by a tractor trailer. I shuidder at the thought of it.

I remembered something about work that I should have posted last night. Someone told me what SKF stands for. For those of you who don't know, SKF makes wheel bearings for cars and trucks. And they are probably the most known name in wheel bearings. But anyway I was told that it stands for "some kind of fuck"! Anyway, I thought that was cute.

I also found out last night there is going to be a new addition to our family. My uncle has decided to get married. He was married once before. But that was like 20 years ago. I wonder if he will know how to act being married! But I wish him the best of luck. His fiance is really nice too. And he's a good man, and I think he deserves a good woman.

Well I guess that's all for tonight folks. I really don't know what else to say. Oh yeah, I get to visit the library tomorrow and pick up my book which is waiting on me - "Four to Score". I did finish the "Bone Collector" this morning. And since I needed something else to read, I started with "High Five". I really wanted to read them in order. I guess I'll have to read those two in reverse order. Oh well. They still make sense. So far! Have fun, and I'll try to post again soon. Well for those of you who aren't reading this anyway!

Posted by wyldrob at 11:18 PM EDT
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Sunday, 27 July 2003
The work weekend is over
Well, it's about time! The working weekend is over. I won't have to do another one for two weeks! WOOHOO! Work was pretty good the last two days. We ran a record number of parts in the area I was working. My supervisor was very pleased. Just hope he doesn't start expected it all the time!

Rubenia called me and wanted me to come have a drink after work tonight. I had to turn her down. I think that was a new step for me. I usually don't turn down going out to drink, especially at our favorite drinking spot - the Outback!

I made it home with no trouble. Although my feet and knees are slightly achy. That is what becomes of me after working for 12 hours on the concrete floors. And they have taken most of the "fatigue mats" up because they need replacing. All that because some dumbass tripped and hurt her knee or something last week. The damn woman should have been looking at where she was going. Now we all have to suffer!

I did get a slight surprise when I got home. Someone had driven my car. Well supposedly Daddy said it was him. I guess that's ok. I certainly don't want that dumbass Julie driving it. I might wind up in the same boat as Daddy. Having to pay for something that was her fault. BTW, in case you didn't already know, she wrecked his car a few weeks ago. That isn't too bad, but she hasn't offered to pay for it. Fucking bitch. She needs someone to teach her some manners... he, he, he. I am sure a good blanket party would do some good for her. Then again, maybe not. She's just a dumbass who uses people. Anyway, I could ramble on about her all night as I really dislike her. But I guess I better move on.

Tomorrow is haircut day! Yeah, I am starting to look a little shaggy. And I definately don't want that. How would I impress anyone that way? Well I guess I could impress someone, but probably not who I would want!

Well I guess I'll wrap it up for tonight, so I can go finish "The Bone Collector". I don't know what I will read tomorrow. My sister didn't make it to the library to pick up "Four to Score" by Janet Evanovich for me. So now I have to wait til Tuesday to get that. Oh well, I guess I could start reading "High Five". But I really wanted to read them in order.

Well that's all for now. Hope you enjoy reading. I think this really helps. I can vent here all I want. The only sad thing is that I doubt anyone reads this. Well only like one person. Anyway.. night night

Posted by wyldrob at 9:53 PM EDT
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Friday, 25 July 2003
made it home
I made it home after my long day at work. Well surprisingly my day at work went by pretty quick. Well except for the last hour or so. I think that is some cruel joke from the powers that control our lives. "Let's make the majority of the day fly by and the last hour or so drag on."

So other than work not much happened. I called Daddy when I was leaving work to see if he had gone to visit Grandma today. Nope he didn't. He's just too damn lazy to get off his ass to even go see his own mother. How pathetic is that? And before I hung up he made sure to tell me that he had not fixed supper. Well surprise, surprise. Well, I had a little surprise for him too. I am usually nice when he doesn't cook and I work. I will stop and bring something home. Well not today. He can eat his fingernails as far as I am concerned. I guess it was too much trouble to put the pork chops in the oven! This was even after I told him last night that is what we were having today. I guess I didn't specify that he should start supper before I got home. Oh well.. I'll survive as usual. At least here I can vent a little. Even if no one ever does read this! It does make me feel better!

Ok, so time to drop the away message and answer my IM's.

Posted by wyldrob at 9:00 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 July 2003
no quotes here
Well, I am not going to put up any quotes tonight. For those of you who read this, you know where I got that from.

I started watching "Sling Blade" earlier. But I decided to stop it and read more of "The Bone Collector" instead.

Not much going on at this hour. Just talking to a couple of people. I am trying to find out some details of a close friend, where she has disappeared to. That has turned up nothing as of yet. I guess I have to wait until i meet with her mother next week to learn something.

I did manage to write to another friend today. That is something I have been meaning to do for a while. I have just put it off. Unfortunately he has no access to a computer, so the only correspondence I get is through the ole USPS - yep SNAIL MAIL! Yuck!

OK, for the people who come here and have not done it yet, go sign the guestbook!!!

Posted by wyldrob at 9:12 PM EDT
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OK, so this blog thing is up and running and I have the colors set up pretty much like I want them. - at least for now. I am sure I'll change them later. I will probably make them match the rest of my website layout or something. What you think?

OK, work starts back tomorrow for the long weekend. Gosh, I hate working the long weekends. But the bright side is that I'll be off next weekend. No, actually the bright side is that I only have to work two days next week! And it will be interesting to see how work goes tomorrow too. A couple of my fellow co-workers seem to be upset because the company seems to be choosing to hire me for a permanent position over them. But that's life I guess. Win some, loose some - that's the old saying.

Since I have to work all weekend, I'm not sure if I'll write anything else before Monday. I might need some encourangement from everyone out there!

Posted by wyldrob at 3:58 PM EDT
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up and running
OK, so the blog page is up and running. I'll try to post to it regularly, but can't make too many promises!

Posted by wyldrob at 2:04 PM EDT
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