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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Wednesday, 18 February 2004
OK, someone explain this to me. I know there has to be some technically saavy people out there reading this. I just make some changes to the computer. For some reason it seems so far that unplugging the DVD-ROM drive seems to fix the burner problem. Does this make sense to anyone? It certainly doesn't make a damn bit of sense to me. I never had this problem before. I wiped the hard drive and ever since I've had problems burning CD's. I had both drives on the same IDE channel (the secondary of course) and they worked flawlessly. But after wiping the drive and reinstalling everything having both drives on that channels seems to be causing a problem. Does this make any sense to any of you? Do you think changing the master/slave settings would make a difference. The burner has always been master and the DVD slave. It sounds to me like there is something wrong with the IDE driver. This makes me wonder if I need to look on my Asus mobo CD and see if there are specific drivers for the IDE channels. I guess that's possible. That's the only explination I can come up with.

Be sure to post your ideas, I'm interesting in hearing about this.

Posted by wyldrob at 2:28 AM EST
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Wednesday, 18 February 2004 - 6:20 AM EST

Name: Jason

Cambiz' computer did the same thing. He actually had to unplug the DVD drive to burn - We just chalked it up to a sucky DVD drive as it was a generic el cheapo.

And btw, it's explanation :) (I knew you wanted to hear that as you are a stickler for spelling LOL)

Wednesday, 24 March 2004 - 8:37 PM EST

Name: Dick
Home Page: http://none

could it be that your bios needs updating. rare but it does happen?

Wednesday, 24 March 2004 - 8:37 PM EST

Name: Dick
Home Page: http://none

could it be that your bios needs updating. rare but it does happen?

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