I just can't believe some people. They seem so childish. And yes, you know who you are. I mean why post an entry into my guestbook if you are too damn scared to say who you are? What, are you afraid of having your ass kicked by a "homo" or "fag" as you so delicately name us? I don't think that is the case. I just think that you are too scared of something more. But what is this fear all about?
What I don't understand is why you think you must place stuff like that here. What have I done to you? Nothing. Do I ask you to accept me? No, I do not. Do I ask you to even talk to me? No, I do not. Of course everyone has their views on topics such as this. Personally, I don't care what you with your life, so why must you try to bother me with what you think I should do with my life? It really doesn't concern you in the least. I could understand if I made a pass at you or something, but I have not. I have never even talked to you, nor do I care to talk to you.
Of course this all humors me very much. I just love it when people come here and post stuff and are just too lame to post their names. It does create a lot of fun for me to read.
Anyway, I like to have a little fun reading stuff that people have to write. So come on, post more. But at least have the decency to put your name. I sure as hell would!
Posted by wyldrob
at 11:07 PM EST