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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Monday, 9 February 2004
Hot water!! Finally!
Yep yep, I finally got that damn water heater fixed. I have been working on that thing since Saturday afternoon. It's been a real pita.

I started out by draining that sucker Saturday. Ater stopping twice and going to two different stores I managed to get a tool which I could use to extract the elements. So I got the new elements in there and turned the water back on. Low and behold it started leaking out of the drain valve and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to stop. Well if that isn't bad enough, the wires were also old and cracked when I tried to wire it back up. So those were going to have to be replaced as well as the drain valve. Well it was time for me to be heading out as I already had plans for Saturday evening.

Saturday night Jason and I met up with Rubenia at the Outback. I'm glad that Jason finally decided to join us as I think he's missing out a lot by not going with us. He definately enjoyed himself. He might have enjoyed himself a little too much as before the night was over he was feeling on Rubenia. Millard was supposed to meet up with us, but he never did. He had dinner with some of his other friends and was too tired to join us. I really think we need to get Millard some sort of pep pills as he seems tired too much!

Sunday I managed to goto Lowe's and ask for new wire. Well the guy informs me that the wire I need, they don't sell. He sends me to this other place; I get there and that damn place was closed. Needless to say I really pissed off by then as I had to go back to Lowe's and get the wire I could use temporarily. (I picked up the new drain valve the first trip there.)

I come home and install all this new stuff. It took lots of time to get that valve out of the tank as it was almost welded to the tank. As it turns out the shank on the new valve is longer than the old one which means my cover isn't going to fit on it quite like it should. But I am not replacing it again. It's too much damn trouble. After I got it all fixed up, I didn't turn it on until Jason and I had come back with pizza. I let it sit there for about two hours and go check it. Much to my dismay the water is still cold. By the time I'm ready to cry.

I called Daddy to get his opinion on what could be wrong. So he starts going over everything. I have done stopped so many times to go buy this and that. I have new elements, new thermostats, new drain valve, and new wire. And this thing isn't working. Daddy said "You did put the same kind of elements right, 2000-watt 240-volt?" I said yeah, but got to looking at the package. Then I noticed that the elements my step dad purchased for me were 120-volts!!!! Needless to say at least of them is toast now. So still Sunday night I am without hot water.

Well after tossing and turning most of the night last night, I managed to get up this morning and go find new wire - the correct stuff - and new elements. I am not wanting to keep heating my water on the stove. That shit is getting old! I took it all apart and put the new stuff in there and wired it up. By now I could do this within like 30 minutes! I've gotten good at messing with those things now! Of course by then it was time for work, so I woudn't turn it on just in case something happens while I was gone. I would hate to burn down my house or something stupid. I talked to the boss when I got to work and they let me come back home. So now after all weekend, I finally have some warm water. I think in about another hour or two it will be totally hot. I can't wait to get in the shower and see how long it takes to run it all out again! I just hope it lasts, because that is why I started messing with it in the first place. I couldn't stay in the shower long before the water was cold. But hopefully all this should be fixed. If not, I guess I'll have to buy a larger water heater! LOL

I think this is enough for now. I am sure you will all love reading about my weekend woes. If you don't want to hear about them, wth are you doing here anyway?????
I guess I'll do what I said and go visit my grandmother. She's been in the hospital since last week. I went by there this morning in between my running around looking for parts. I told her that if I got out of work today, I'd come back to see her. So I'm going up there for a while.

And most everyone knows my truck needs work, everyone cross their fingers that it doesn't turn into a disaster like the water heater. Hopefully it won't. I mean after all, I have to pay someone to fix it as I can't actually try to tackle that project! And I guess this is enough as this is about the longest post I've ever put on here!

Posted by wyldrob at 4:02 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 9 February 2004 7:56 PM EST
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Thursday, 5 February 2004
another day
Well it is the end of another day. I notice that the person whom was playing in my guestbook has stopped. Of course I did change the settings as to not let everyone see how immature he is. Now his posts are moderated. Aww, I am sure this disappointed him. He'll get over it.

Work isn't going too bad. I am still not fond of the second shift. I am dealing with it though. Most of the people with whom I work are pretty good. Of course there will always be that one person you really dislike. As in the words of Jeff Foxworthy "you know there is one person you really hate at work - you're thinking of him now going 'I just hate that bastard'" So I deal with that too.

OK so that's all for now

Posted by wyldrob at 11:24 AM EST
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Tuesday, 3 February 2004
more fun and games
I see someone enjoys playing games. Well, I enjoy them as well. I just wonder if you can play as rough as I can! And of course if this makes no sense to you, then it shouldn't. It of course is aimed at one individual and I feel certain that the sorry joker will read it.

Posted by wyldrob at 1:41 AM EST
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Sunday, 1 February 2004
some people
I just can't believe some people. They seem so childish. And yes, you know who you are. I mean why post an entry into my guestbook if you are too damn scared to say who you are? What, are you afraid of having your ass kicked by a "homo" or "fag" as you so delicately name us? I don't think that is the case. I just think that you are too scared of something more. But what is this fear all about?

What I don't understand is why you think you must place stuff like that here. What have I done to you? Nothing. Do I ask you to accept me? No, I do not. Do I ask you to even talk to me? No, I do not. Of course everyone has their views on topics such as this. Personally, I don't care what you with your life, so why must you try to bother me with what you think I should do with my life? It really doesn't concern you in the least. I could understand if I made a pass at you or something, but I have not. I have never even talked to you, nor do I care to talk to you.

Of course this all humors me very much. I just love it when people come here and post stuff and are just too lame to post their names. It does create a lot of fun for me to read.

Anyway, I like to have a little fun reading stuff that people have to write. So come on, post more. But at least have the decency to put your name. I sure as hell would!

Posted by wyldrob at 11:07 PM EST
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Saturday, 3 January 2004
Oh the night is over
Yep yep, I finished my first night on third shift. It wasn't too bad. I guess it would have been better if I had slept more yesterday. But it seemed that everyone wanted to keep me awake!

I did get some good news when I went to work last night. I am getting moved from assembly to turning! WOOHOO! I just hope they don't change their minds about that as I'd rather work in turning. And I have my old supervisor, Scot, to thank for that move.

I also changed my cell phone number last night. I get tired of everyone having to call long distance to call me on it. I now have a local number for people in Aiken AND Augusta. I thought I had an Aiken number, but it turns out that I have a North Augusta number. Those are much better! I was having a problem with my text messages - I was not getting them. But I got on the wire with Verizon this AM and got it all straightened out. I also had to get my voice mail password, as all that got reset. But I am up and running now.

OK, it's like 9:20 and I'm tired. I shall goto bed in a few minutes, after I rid myself of this heartburn. And I don't know when I shall wake up! I do not have to work tonight, but I have to go back Sunday night. Have fun!

Posted by wyldrob at 9:15 AM EST
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Tuesday, 23 December 2003
i forgot
Oh yeah I forgot. I hate this fucking new system that Tripod has come up with! Now the links pop up! That goes against my pop-up blocker! I have to see if there is a way around that. If so, of course I will change it!

Posted by wyldrob at 10:23 PM EST
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new schedule!
Yes, that is correct! I do have a new schedule. I just hope you can keep up with me. As of today, I worked my last twelve hour shift. Well that is of course until they change again. But you never know with SKF, that could be next month! As of 2 January 2004, I go back on third shift. I will be working from 10:30 PM to 6:45 AM. I know I will be working at least five days a week. There is no telling how many six and seven day work weeks we'll have. I just have to wait and see.

Right now I am just going to enjoy my week off. Christmas should be interesting this year. Honestly it just doesn't feel like Christmas to me this year. Maybe I am just getting too old for it or something. I just can't quite put my finger on it. I just know I am not into it as much as I usually am.

So who wants to join in for New Year's festivities with Jason and I? I usually like to stay around the house because I like to throw down some drinks that night. And after doing that, being out and about is definately not the thing to be doing. I usually spend New Year's Eve with a few friends. So far the only one planning to be here here is Jason. Millard already has other plans.. Rubenia.. Well I won't even go there.. rofl. I have room for two or three others if anyone has no plans and wants to join us. Of course you have to bring your own booze. I certainly can't provide for ya!

Just in case I don't write again - MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Posted by wyldrob at 10:20 PM EST
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003
oh damn
Well it appears that Tripod is changing thing over here. I hope it doesn't affect my blog too much. Well, I honestly don't know why I care about that because I barely post anyway!

I just posted about two weeks ago and it wasn't like this. I guess they trying to get fancy on me. Maybe you are wonder what I am referring. Well, actually you - the visitor - can't see it. Other than one little thing I noticed, now where it used to say "comments" it says "post your comment(x)". Good thing that they have not zapped my custom style sheet this page is based upon. If they do that, I am gonna be really pissed! I worked long and hard to get these colors like I want them.

Not a whole lot going on with life. Jason's birthday is Sunday. I still have not gotten him anything. But I have a few ideas what to get him! But I am not sure he'll like that 18" dildo! I guess you never know though! Christmas is coming up next week too. I have yet to put out my Christmas decorations. TBH, I am not sure if I am gonna mess with it. I am not in the mood to do it this year. I also have very little room to set stuff out anyway, so why bother?

Well Jason has this fucked up away message up when I got out of the shower. I guess that means he's gone for the evening. Now I have no one with whom to chat. I guess that means I will go watch another movie or something.

How many Lord of the Rings fans are out there? I just watched The Two Towers today. It was OK. I guess there is alot that is referred from the first movie that I don't remember. It has been about a year or so since I actually watched the first movie. Maybe I should go back and watch it again. But I am not sure I want to sit through a four hour movie right now. I am not sure what I will watch. I have a few movies that I have not watched yet.

Of course, I could just ditch all that and goto bed. That might be my best choice anyway, as I need not sleep my day away tomorrow. I only have four more work days before I get time off for Christmas. Of course, I am not going to know how to act with a week off either. I hope they give me off January 2nd and 3rd as I still want to go see Rocky Horror. Well that if it is still going to be performed. I have find out. If anyone knows about this, please let me know!

I think I am going to redo some things on my site. If you have any ideas let know. I am open for suggestions. Of course that doesn't mean that I will necessarily use them, but I will definately think about them - if I like the idea that is!

Ok, this should hold you for a while. More at a later time..

Posted by wyldrob at 12:25 AM EST
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Tuesday, 2 December 2003
nearly a month has passed...
Well, it has been nearly a month since I posted here. Obviously no one has wondered about it being no one has emailed me. Oh well, I see how well I am loved!

Not much has really happened in the last month. It's about the same old thing. Work, sleep, work sleep.. you get the idea. Oh yeah Thanksgiving was last week. That wasn't too bad. We had more food than we really needed. And I didn't get stuck eating leftovers all weekend. That's only because I chose not to take any with me when I left!

Jason's birthday is only 19 days away. Well I am sure I know what I will get him - a bundle of switches! LOL. I am sure he will like those. I don't really know what I will get him. I do have some ideas though. And why he had to be born four days before Christmas is beyond me. That just means I have to buy for him twice.

I am trying to get Daddy's machine back up and running. It was doing something really weird at his house. It was locking up when playing a sound. I bring it here and it played them fine. At least for a while. Then I got to noticing that everything is freezing, no matter what I try to access. I think the hard drive is going out. So he's gonna have to buy a new one. Not too bad, he can get a 40 GB for about $60. That isn't too bad. And that should hold everything he will ever need. I got him up and running right now with just a 4.3 GB drive. I know it's nothing for space, but at least it's running for now.

Well I guess that's all for now. I'll try to write in here more often!

Posted by wyldrob at 6:47 PM EST
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Friday, 7 November 2003
Where have you been?
You may have asked your self this question. The answer is simple, I have just not been writing! LOL WEll, I have my reasons. A lot of it is the fact that I am kind of getting bored with this. I write when I can but that's it. I might mess around with my site a little this weekend. That is if I get really bored or something.
I have not decided what I will do with this weekend. I have lots of things I really need to do. The problem is that I don't want to do most of them. So who knows what will come of it. I'll let you know if anything exciting comes up!

Posted by wyldrob at 11:29 AM EST
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