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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Tuesday, 12 August 2003
I'm moving!
WOOHOO!! I get to move in a few more weeks. I actually put the money down for the place tonight. It's a small, two bedroom house. The best part is that it's right across from my sister, Regina. This should be fun. I know where I can get supper just about every night :-) Well, I am not too sure about that. But I know it will be so great being out on my own again.

I should hopefully be able to get DSL at the new place too. The thing with that is that I really don't want to have to change my email addresses. I might have to check in with Earthlink and see if they have a $5 plan or something. IT's such a hassle to change my email address. And my address at earthlink is where most everyone writes to me. I guess it could be worse though. I guess if I do have to change my addy, it's no big deal. People will just have to remember to update their address books.

I had supper at Chili's tonight. I ordered something I will never order again - veggie quesadillas. They had artichoke and spinach in them. They are really different, but I guess I don't like artichokes and spinach as much as I thought I would. At least Regina gave me one of her Chicken fajita quesadillas. And I had lots of chips and salsa. I also had black beans, so everyone might want to steer clear of me tomorrow! ROFL.

I managed to make it back to the lake tonight about 930. I had to make stop to put the D-Con out in the storage building. I don't want any surprises when I get ready to start moving my stuff outta there.

I think Jason's disappointed that I didnt' come see him any yesterday or today. He'll just have to get over it. Maybe I'll see him this weekend. I know Regina and Dana want to go see a movie on Saturday. That should be fun.

Time to hit the hay. I have to get up for work in the morning.

Posted by wyldrob at 10:43 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003 - 10:49 PM EDT

Name: jason

You better come see me before school starts! Don't make me come find you!!! ROFL

Tuesday, 12 August 2003 - 10:53 PM EDT

Name: jason

Oh btw, chk & see if Earthlink would do your DSL, then you woudn't have to change your addy... Or start using your domain addy like I do.

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