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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Sunday, 10 August 2003
Stripped and collapse?
What's this I hear about some set falling down after the show? If you have not heard, there was some mishap on the Justified and Stripped tour (Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake). Somehow part of the set (which was made of some steel beam) collapsed while the people were taking it down after the show. On a good note, no one was seriously injured - or so I heard. This did cause some cancellations on the tour though. I am sure there are some disappointed fans. I know I would be. They have not decided if they will try to finish the rest of the shows or not. They are supposed to make a press release tomorrow.

OK, so this was my last day working in Tech I. This sucks - when I go back on Wednesday I have to go back to assembly (tech III). Ick! Maybe I'll get lucky and I can go to Tech I permanently. One can never tell.

I stopped in to see Regina and Dana this evening. Haley was there too. So we compared notes on which teachers were mean and which ones were nice. I know they are really excited, school starts on Wednesday! I am sure they can't wait.

I can't wait til tomorrow. I don't have to get up at 4:45 AM. Woohoo! I can sleep late!

Posted by wyldrob at 11:08 PM EDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
One More Day
Woohoo, only one more workday left to this long weekend shit. I will be glad at this time tomorrow. I might even be celebrating with a bottle of Vodka!

Well it wasn't the most exciting day at work. Then again, it wasn't the most boring. I guess just the usual day at SKF. I didn't make my production goals today though because the damn Ivet was down. Oh well. maybe tomorrow. But I doubt that either as they are talking about changing over to the new part tomorrow.

Not much else to say. I did find out that I can make it from work to Burger King back to work in just about 30 minutes. It doesn't leave me much time to actually eat my food since I only get a 30 minute lunch.

I do see that my dad is still too damn lazy to even goto Wal Mart for himself. He had to get Julie Dumbass to go for him. Geez.. he's gonna sit right in the chair and die..

Posted by wyldrob at 8:46 PM EDT
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Friday, 8 August 2003
Wanna goto work for me?
Well I am hoping that someone would say yes. I had a hell of a day. Damn machines just didn't have it in themselves to cooperate. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Rumor has is that on Sunday we are going to start the changeover. That means we are switching from one part to another. I know, no big deal to those of you out there.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Well if you count that I try to spend some quiet time to myself when I got home. But some people had better ideas They wanted to talk to me. So my quiet time got cut short. Maybe I'll have some when I goto sleep in a little while.

And speaking of going to sleep. It is getting about that time. I really want to read another chapter of "To the Nines" tonight too. So I'm going to do that and head off to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting!

Posted by wyldrob at 9:46 PM EDT
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Thursday, 7 August 2003
cc fraud strikes again!
Yep, it's almost that time again. I know I have not posted anything much here the past couple of days. Well the truth is that I have not been home. Not to mention that like only one person reads this, so what's the use of putting stuff here?

Not much happened over the last few days. I finally got to see Terminator 3. It was pretty good. I dragged Jason with me. Not sure if he was really impressed with it. For that matter I am not really sure he wanted to go see it, but at least it got him out of the house for a while. I also bought two new DVD's - Mrs. Doubtfire and Meet Joe Black. I'll watch them sometime next week.

Not much else happened. Well there was this one email saying that my Earthlink account had been suspended, but that was a person just trying to get my credit info. A lot of good my credit stuff would do for him or her! LOL. I did call Earthlink after getting pissed off because I thought the email was real. The more I think about it, the more of an idiot I was for believing that crap anyway. Oh well, I did send that person some good info in the name of "Mr Fuq Yu" I am sure they will happy to see that. I wish I could see the look oh his or her face when it is read! I really try to be careful throwing my credit card info around as it the number was stolen last year. I got a $40 charge for some porno site. Damn, if I was going to look at porn on the internet, it sure as hell wouldn't be at a pay site. There are way too many places to get porn for FREE!

Guess that's all for tonight. Hope more people start reading this. If not, I might discontinue it. I will at least stop posting to it as much.

Posted by wyldrob at 9:49 PM EDT
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Monday, 4 August 2003
the work week starts
OK, so we are off to another boring ass Monday. Work wasn't too bad. Assembly has been down all day for like two days in a row because of a machine failure. Something about they need a new motherboard. I'm like go buy one from the computer store. Obviously they can't just do that. Oh well, it was a good thought. At least I thought it was.

I know the style of the page is sort of messed up. I am going to work on it some Wednesday or so. So you'll just have to deal with it until then :-)

Not much else going on at this time. I am gonna eat my supper (of frozen pizza) and then read for a while. Another day at the workplace tomorrow. I'll let you know what happens.

Posted by wyldrob at 8:44 PM EDT
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Sunday, 3 August 2003
weekend is over
OK, so the weekend's over. Not too bad I guess. I spent a lot of time on the road. I did get to spend time reading as well. I am now finished with "Hot Six" and am about halfway through with "Seven Up".

Not much else to write tonight. I have a few things to do before bed. Work again tomorrow. Why do I have to be an adult and have to work? YUCK! I need a job that pays well that I can just go do when I want. Oh well, wishful thinking..

Posted by wyldrob at 10:00 PM EDT
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Saturday, 2 August 2003
new colors
OK, so I created a new color scheme for the blog. I also added some enhancements on the other pages. I have been slightly working on the links page. I know you are just dying to see that page back up and running, right?

So how do you like my new color scheme? I think it turned out pretty well. And of course Tripod doesn't give me the option of editing everything I really wanted to edit. So I had to take those matters into my own hands. I just downloaded the stylesheet that controls evertyhing on there. It's kind of tricky though. I just hope they don't get too ticked! But hell, I just wanted something that fit inline with the rest of my coloring on the site.

I finished "Four to Score" a little while ago. Not a bad book. Looks like things are getting steamier between Stephanie and Joe. Should be interesting to see what's in store for them in the next books. I know some of you might have already read them, but I haven't. I will have them finished in another week or two though. I have to read books 6-9.

I managed to give the dogs a much needed bath today as well. I had to bail out on going to Augusta this evening. I wasn't really in the mood, plus the storms have started rolling in.

Not sure at this point what my plans are for tomorrow. I thinking of going out of town to visit a friend. I'll decide at the last minute as usual!

Urgh! IT's getting close to bedtime. Peace!

Posted by wyldrob at 12:59 AM EDT
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Friday, 1 August 2003
the static is gone!
Well after a week or two of procrastinating - ok, so it was longer - I finally took the computer speaker volume controller apart. I was getting tired of the static it was giving when I turned the volume up and down. It was really annoying. And really LOUD. I guess that's what happens when one has a 400-watt set of speakers! For those of you who don't know, I have the Logitech Z-560 series. Pretty nice, but I want the new ones that are 450- or 500-watt (depends on which place you get the info from) Logitech Z-680's. Those babies really rock.

The thing I don't understand with taking this controller apart was the fact that it was glued together. No little tabs or no little screws holding it together. Rather weird. I guess they don't want you taking those apart. Well I did it anyway. Now I have to get some glue and put it back. I might just leave the rubber bands on it for now in case that annoying static sound comes back. They just needed a little cleaning done to the contacts. Amazing what a little can of air can do!

Well it's getting close to 5 PM and I really thought I would be at the Outback by now. But Rubenia had other plans for tonight. She said maybe tomorrow. I'm thinking yes, maybe tomorrow! That will give me a reason to get out of going to that fish fry. I am not really into fish anyway!

Daddy managed to get his car out of the shop yesterday. I have not taken a close look at it to see how well it's fixed. Although it doesn't really matter to me. I don't have to drive it!

That's all for now. I still see noone posts any comments but Jason. I guess no one reads this, or else they are just too chicken shit to write something.

Posted by wyldrob at 4:56 PM EDT
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Yes, the weekend is HERE!
Yes, the weekend is finally here. And that is a good thing after the long day I had yesterday. I worked the normal 12-hour shift thing. That means I get up at about 4:30. Work went pretty good. The supervisor entrusted me to the machines on my own yesterday.

After work, I went by to see my sister and pick up a book she had for me. From there I went to Zaxby's and then headed over to Jason's to watch CSI. I actually got to meet his mom. I bet she was beginning to wonder if I actually existed or if I was some sort of imaginary friend that Jason had made up!

I finally made it home about 12:30 AM. That was a long damn day. The good thing is that I slept well and am now looking foward to the rest of the weekend. My plans are to head to Outback for drinks and dinner tonight. That is unless Rubenia and Millard bail out on me. I'll call them later. . Tomorrow I am supposed to goto a fish fry at my cousin's. There's gonna be plenty of SKF people there, including my supervisor. That may be a reason not to go! LOL. I guess we'll see what happens. I might drop in for a short while if nothing else.

I'd like to go catch a movie or two this weekend. After all I still have not seen Terminator 3. Anyone want to join me? Well, I guess that's it for now. More later .. maybe!

Posted by wyldrob at 11:42 AM EDT
Wednesday, 30 July 2003
Where oh where is my best friend?
Well, I am assuming that since he was up at 5AM just to talk to me, he's gone to bed already. But that doesn't explain him being offline. Weird. And no, I am not thinking highly of myself! LOL.

I've been playing that online trading card game over at for quite sometime. I am one card away from finishing the game now. It certainly has taken long enough! I will try to send out offers for that one last card tomorrow. Then I can move onto the SS trading game. I got lots of extras on there, but need about 8 or so to finish. IF you want to get involved, let me know by emailing me. I'll be happy to tell you how to get started.

We are supposed to have am "important, bad news" meeting in the morning at work. That should be fun. I definately am not looking foward to it. This is especially after they kept me over an hour tonight for some stupid safety meeting. IMHO, the meeting I went to tonight should have taken place within my first day or two of working there. Oh well, can't have everything. But I mean I have worked there nearly two months and they are just now sending me to a "safety awareness" meeting. What kind of shit is that? But at least they do let the employees know that safety is a highly respected virtue. The supervisor said something about it when i started. Anyway.. just weird.

Well being no one is talking to me, I am going to get off of here and go read and then goto sleep. And don't fall over everyone, Daddy actually got off his ass, went to the store and cooked! Well, I of course didn't eat because I was not hungry. But at least he done something. HE's in there washing dishes as I type.

Oh well, I'm outta here! Someone please post something so I'll know who reads this!

Posted by wyldrob at 10:07 PM EDT
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