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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Friday, 15 August 2003
shiny nails
My nails are also shiny too. I visited Ginny (my eldest bitch.. uhm.. i mean sister) today as well. For those of you who don't know, she's a nail technician. So she gave me a manicure. This came complete with clear nail polish/hardner since my nails are so weak. Go figure.

Damn there was something else I was about to write in here and it slipped my mind just that fast. I hate it when that happens

BTW, if anyone notices any spelling mistakes or anything, feel free to let me know. I'll fix them. You can email me . What can I say, I don't really want to look like a total dumbass on here! What would the world think? LOL.

I actually hear that Ginny is finally letting her kids use the computer more often. That is a good thing. How else are they gonna learn about porn and ufo's. And for those who don't know those are the number one and two things looked up on the Internet. At least it was about two years ago. I'm sure it hasn't changed.

And it's only 9:45 PM and I'm getting sleepy. I could see if this was a worknight, but it isn't. I guess I am just getting old. I guess it happens to all of us!

I didn't get to watch all of Meet Joe Black this morning either. I got interrupted by Eddie - my brother-in-law. He wanted me to come look at his brother's computer. It had that msblast worm on there. Easy removal once the Windows? patch is installed. And I didn't even bring my DVD back home from Regina's so I could finish it. I guess I'll have to watch it another time. With my luck, I'll be right back at Regina's tomorrow anyway.

Posted by wyldrob at 9:40 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 August 2003 9:48 PM EDT
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Freaky Friday
OK, so it's a lame title. But Regina, Dana and myself did go see that movie today. It was pretty good actually.

Yesterday at work is fairly the same as always. They are still giving us the run-around about the full time hire thing. That pisses me off royally. I did manage to speak to the person in charge at the Temp Place. She said she would check on Monday - I forgot to call her until almost 430 - and to get back to her on Monday. Sounds easy enough. The person she needs to check with at SKF was on vacation this week too. I just hope they would hurry and give my raise. Damn I've been working there for going on three months. I think I deserve a raise. My supervisor feels I do too. So I don't see the problem!

Well, I have totally spent my paycheck. I am definately going to be eating bologna sandwiches next week. And all the gas I buy has to go on the credit card. Good thing it has a little credit left on it. I need to find a way to make some extra money. Does anyone need any computer work done? That could earn me some extra money.

I am hearing of more people having this MSBlast worm thing. I had to go fix a computer with it today. I have not billed this person yet because I got their old computer here to work on as well. I need to get to that tonight and see if I can fix it. I got a feeling it needs a new CD-ROM drive, so I'll have to wait to get one of those. I am not really sure the machine is worth fixing, but I think it is. At least their kids can play on it.

Always be sure to read the fine print! I have been waiting on a check from my 401-k plan cash out. The letter I received in June said that if I didn't respond within 60 days that I would get a check - minus the standard 20 percent federal tax withholdings. That's understandable. But what they tell you in the fine print (if at all in the literature) is that it could actually take up to 1 year for the account to be cashed out. What kind of shit is that? They also make the box for the cash option so damn small I never saw it until tonight! So that means it will be like another month before I ever get my damn money. And I was counting on that money to be able to move! That's a shame. That pushes my moving schedule back now! Yuck! I was hoping to start moving in about two weeks. Now as it stands it will be more like three or four weeks before I can start moving. I guess it could be worse. I could still be wondering where I was going to move. At least that mystery is solved. I am just not going to be moving as soon as I would like. I'll have to try to make the best of it. I just hope I don't have to spend another month's rent on the storage building. The rent is due again in three weeks. Everyone wish me luck!

I did manage to get up and take Dana to school this morning. I also made the deal with Regina that on my days off - after I move of course - that I would get up and take Dana to school. That will keep her from having to spend so much time at school. That will really come in handy when it starts getting cold and they have to stand outside! I will probably be sorry for accepting that task. I do figure it's the least I can do for them. They have done a lot for me over the years.

Well, I am off to bug Jason and everyone on AIM.

Posted by wyldrob at 8:34 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003
being late
Being late sucks. Yeah, I woke up late this morning. And you know how it goes when you wake up late, you just know it's gonna be a shitty day.. Can't explain much of it now, I gotta get to bed. I'll try to write tomorrow. I'll be at REgina's tomorrow night since I said I would take Dana to school Friday morning.. joy joy, another day of getting up early.. more to come later

Posted by wyldrob at 10:51 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003
I'm moving!
WOOHOO!! I get to move in a few more weeks. I actually put the money down for the place tonight. It's a small, two bedroom house. The best part is that it's right across from my sister, Regina. This should be fun. I know where I can get supper just about every night :-) Well, I am not too sure about that. But I know it will be so great being out on my own again.

I should hopefully be able to get DSL at the new place too. The thing with that is that I really don't want to have to change my email addresses. I might have to check in with Earthlink and see if they have a $5 plan or something. IT's such a hassle to change my email address. And my address at earthlink is where most everyone writes to me. I guess it could be worse though. I guess if I do have to change my addy, it's no big deal. People will just have to remember to update their address books.

I had supper at Chili's tonight. I ordered something I will never order again - veggie quesadillas. They had artichoke and spinach in them. They are really different, but I guess I don't like artichokes and spinach as much as I thought I would. At least Regina gave me one of her Chicken fajita quesadillas. And I had lots of chips and salsa. I also had black beans, so everyone might want to steer clear of me tomorrow! ROFL.

I managed to make it back to the lake tonight about 930. I had to make stop to put the D-Con out in the storage building. I don't want any surprises when I get ready to start moving my stuff outta there.

I think Jason's disappointed that I didnt' come see him any yesterday or today. He'll just have to get over it. Maybe I'll see him this weekend. I know Regina and Dana want to go see a movie on Saturday. That should be fun.

Time to hit the hay. I have to get up for work in the morning.

Posted by wyldrob at 10:43 PM EDT
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worms anyone?
Well low and behind I got ahold to one of the damn internet worms going around. It was a real pita to get rid of too. It must be something going good too. I know four other people who had the same thing. And if someone posts that I should have updated my OS, I'm going to hunt you down and kick your ass! LOL

So I am sitting here at Regina's right now. She is one of the lucky ones who got this thing. It was so bad that she couldn't even use her computer for it restarting over and over. I think I have it all figured out now though. I need to get everything else up to date on the computers. The last thing I want is to have to go another round with this one.

Alisha called me today wanting some help too. I guess I am getting more popular when someone needs help! That is a good thing. It just makes me want to start charging! She at least isn't having the worm problem that everyone else was having today though. But her problem still needs a little work. I will get it fixed eventually.

OK, so I am here watching "Absolute Power". I'll have to finish my book later, I got interested in the movie this time.

Posted by wyldrob at 12:49 AM EDT
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Sunday, 10 August 2003
Stripped and collapse?
What's this I hear about some set falling down after the show? If you have not heard, there was some mishap on the Justified and Stripped tour (Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake). Somehow part of the set (which was made of some steel beam) collapsed while the people were taking it down after the show. On a good note, no one was seriously injured - or so I heard. This did cause some cancellations on the tour though. I am sure there are some disappointed fans. I know I would be. They have not decided if they will try to finish the rest of the shows or not. They are supposed to make a press release tomorrow.

OK, so this was my last day working in Tech I. This sucks - when I go back on Wednesday I have to go back to assembly (tech III). Ick! Maybe I'll get lucky and I can go to Tech I permanently. One can never tell.

I stopped in to see Regina and Dana this evening. Haley was there too. So we compared notes on which teachers were mean and which ones were nice. I know they are really excited, school starts on Wednesday! I am sure they can't wait.

I can't wait til tomorrow. I don't have to get up at 4:45 AM. Woohoo! I can sleep late!

Posted by wyldrob at 11:08 PM EDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
One More Day
Woohoo, only one more workday left to this long weekend shit. I will be glad at this time tomorrow. I might even be celebrating with a bottle of Vodka!

Well it wasn't the most exciting day at work. Then again, it wasn't the most boring. I guess just the usual day at SKF. I didn't make my production goals today though because the damn Ivet was down. Oh well. maybe tomorrow. But I doubt that either as they are talking about changing over to the new part tomorrow.

Not much else to say. I did find out that I can make it from work to Burger King back to work in just about 30 minutes. It doesn't leave me much time to actually eat my food since I only get a 30 minute lunch.

I do see that my dad is still too damn lazy to even goto Wal Mart for himself. He had to get Julie Dumbass to go for him. Geez.. he's gonna sit right in the chair and die..

Posted by wyldrob at 8:46 PM EDT
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Friday, 8 August 2003
Wanna goto work for me?
Well I am hoping that someone would say yes. I had a hell of a day. Damn machines just didn't have it in themselves to cooperate. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Rumor has is that on Sunday we are going to start the changeover. That means we are switching from one part to another. I know, no big deal to those of you out there.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Well if you count that I try to spend some quiet time to myself when I got home. But some people had better ideas They wanted to talk to me. So my quiet time got cut short. Maybe I'll have some when I goto sleep in a little while.

And speaking of going to sleep. It is getting about that time. I really want to read another chapter of "To the Nines" tonight too. So I'm going to do that and head off to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting!

Posted by wyldrob at 9:46 PM EDT
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Thursday, 7 August 2003
cc fraud strikes again!
Yep, it's almost that time again. I know I have not posted anything much here the past couple of days. Well the truth is that I have not been home. Not to mention that like only one person reads this, so what's the use of putting stuff here?

Not much happened over the last few days. I finally got to see Terminator 3. It was pretty good. I dragged Jason with me. Not sure if he was really impressed with it. For that matter I am not really sure he wanted to go see it, but at least it got him out of the house for a while. I also bought two new DVD's - Mrs. Doubtfire and Meet Joe Black. I'll watch them sometime next week.

Not much else happened. Well there was this one email saying that my Earthlink account had been suspended, but that was a person just trying to get my credit info. A lot of good my credit stuff would do for him or her! LOL. I did call Earthlink after getting pissed off because I thought the email was real. The more I think about it, the more of an idiot I was for believing that crap anyway. Oh well, I did send that person some good info in the name of "Mr Fuq Yu" I am sure they will happy to see that. I wish I could see the look oh his or her face when it is read! I really try to be careful throwing my credit card info around as it the number was stolen last year. I got a $40 charge for some porno site. Damn, if I was going to look at porn on the internet, it sure as hell wouldn't be at a pay site. There are way too many places to get porn for FREE!

Guess that's all for tonight. Hope more people start reading this. If not, I might discontinue it. I will at least stop posting to it as much.

Posted by wyldrob at 9:49 PM EDT
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Monday, 4 August 2003
the work week starts
OK, so we are off to another boring ass Monday. Work wasn't too bad. Assembly has been down all day for like two days in a row because of a machine failure. Something about they need a new motherboard. I'm like go buy one from the computer store. Obviously they can't just do that. Oh well, it was a good thought. At least I thought it was.

I know the style of the page is sort of messed up. I am going to work on it some Wednesday or so. So you'll just have to deal with it until then :-)

Not much else going on at this time. I am gonna eat my supper (of frozen pizza) and then read for a while. Another day at the workplace tomorrow. I'll let you know what happens.

Posted by wyldrob at 8:44 PM EDT
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