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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Friday, 15 August 2003
shiny nails
My nails are also shiny too. I visited Ginny (my eldest bitch.. uhm.. i mean sister) today as well. For those of you who don't know, she's a nail technician. So she gave me a manicure. This came complete with clear nail polish/hardner since my nails are so weak. Go figure.

Damn there was something else I was about to write in here and it slipped my mind just that fast. I hate it when that happens

BTW, if anyone notices any spelling mistakes or anything, feel free to let me know. I'll fix them. You can email me . What can I say, I don't really want to look like a total dumbass on here! What would the world think? LOL.

I actually hear that Ginny is finally letting her kids use the computer more often. That is a good thing. How else are they gonna learn about porn and ufo's. And for those who don't know those are the number one and two things looked up on the Internet. At least it was about two years ago. I'm sure it hasn't changed.

And it's only 9:45 PM and I'm getting sleepy. I could see if this was a worknight, but it isn't. I guess I am just getting old. I guess it happens to all of us!

I didn't get to watch all of Meet Joe Black this morning either. I got interrupted by Eddie - my brother-in-law. He wanted me to come look at his brother's computer. It had that msblast worm on there. Easy removal once the Windows? patch is installed. And I didn't even bring my DVD back home from Regina's so I could finish it. I guess I'll have to watch it another time. With my luck, I'll be right back at Regina's tomorrow anyway.

Posted by wyldrob at 9:40 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 August 2003 9:48 PM EDT
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Saturday, 16 August 2003 - 1:16 AM EDT

Name: Jason

My SS collection is complete!!

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