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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Tuesday, 19 August 2003
layoffs and mishaps
Well, today was rather good. I did get to work in turning today. WOOHOO! Good thing, because I didn't feel like being stuck in assembly all day. According to my supervisor I am supposed to be hired permanently somewhere around the first of September. But I am not sure if I can believe him or not. He also said that another lady was going to get hired along with me. Well we get ready to go home today, and they laid the other person off! I can't believe that shit. I just hope it doesn't happen to me.

After all she had been there since like December of last year. And they kept telling her that evertying was just fine and dandy. I think it's just wrong for them to do that. I hope they don't do me the same way. I don't mind if they want to lay me off, but geesh.. don't lead me to believe I am going to have a job and then drop a bomb on me like that.

Not much else going on right now. I am sitting here at Regina's. And she just came home with my supper. A taco salad from Mi Rancho! Yum yum! I have not had a taco salad in ages. It will be a welcome change! More later -- maybe

Posted by wyldrob at 8:23 PM EDT
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