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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Monday, 8 September 2003
my mother is coming ....
I can't believe this. But my mother is coming tomorrow to help me move my stuff from the storage building into my house. Dana asked what I Did to persuade mama into coming up here. I really don't know. I don't think it was even my idea. I Think it was hers. But I am very glad she is coming. She's bringing a trailer and everything so I don't have to rent a truck!

And just in case you are wondering, no the DSL still is not working. I really think there is a line problem. But of course the people at tech support don't want to run a line test tonight. They want to wait til after midnight - because that's the deadline for the service to be up and running. I feel certain that I will be giving them a call first thing in the morning. This is espcially considering that it's almost 11:30 PM and the modem still is not synced. If they would only listen to me. They even said the tech was supposed to line test from the house. Well if he did, he was certainly quiet as I never heard him and the network interface is right outside my bedroom window! So go figure. I think someone didn't do their job :-)

I guess I am gonna finish cleaning some stuff in here. I still have to clean my bedroom. The kitchen I am going to leave for now. But I don't want mom coming to see my messy place! And I am not even moved completely in yet and it's already a mess. I gotta do better than this!

Posted by wyldrob at 11:08 PM EDT
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still no dsl
I still don't have my DSL :-( This is after I got my modem and stuff in the mail on Saturday. After a call to tech support, they say it's supposed to be turned on from the CO today. But of course they can't guarantee that's all that is wrong. When I told them about the wiring coming to the house from the telephone pole they sounded worried. Unfortunately for me, they cannot put a request in to test the lines until the signal is turned on. I am sure I'll be on the phone with them tonight trying to get this thing turned on!

Is there any other news? I can't think of anything right now. I am supposed to go meet my mother today to carry a dog to her. That should be fun. And obviously she's wanting to wait until the middle of the day to do it being that she hasn't called yet. What fun. Gonna mess up my whole day! And I should be going up to Daddy's today to get more stuff.

Speaking of the move, the only furniture I have is my bed. What fun right? Well actually now I have the computer table and chair. So you know where I spend most of my time - in my room! I did manage to get some stuff for the kitchen last week. But I only have some pots and pans. I have no idea where my plates and other dishes are. I don't recall seeing them in the building. I hope they didn't get left behind.

I have awaken the last two days with my hands killing me, especially my right (writing) hand. I have a feeling it must be arthritis. I guess sleeping with my hand under the pillow (which my head is laying) doesn't help. Oh well, maybe they'll be better in a little while. They do seem a bit swollen as well.

IT did feel good to be able to sleep late this morning. I don't recall sleeping past 9 AM in a long time. I actually slept until 10! But it did feel good knowing I didn't have to get up early this morning. I really am not a morning person by far!

I have not told you the good news. I have NO Saturdays off this month! Since I was hired on as a permanent employee of SKF, I have orientation on the Saturdays when I am scheduled to be off. IT does kind of suck not having any of those days off, but the good news is that I can definately use the OT! I just wish they would have done it on Friday. That way I would still have Saturday and Sunday off. But no, that would be too easy. I will be off on Friday, work on Saturday and then off again on Sunday. I just think someone wasn't using their little brains when they made that schedule. Oh well, I will just have to deal with it. It will be over soon enough. The last Saturday is October 11th. So it appears that October 25th will be my next Saturday off. Yuck! That just doesnt' sound good.

OK, I am getting off my soapbox now! I might have more later. I am sure I will have something about the status of the DSL later tonight.

Posted by wyldrob at 11:06 AM EDT
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Thursday, 4 September 2003
i'm getting DSL!
Yep yep, I finally got my DSL ordered. I should have it up and running by this time next week. I Certainly hope so! That's been about the highlight of the day. I'm gonna do something a little different tonight, I am going to put some lyrics here to a song. Let me know what you think of it.

Since the moment I spotted you
Like walking round with little wings on my shoes
My stomach's filled with the butterflies... ooo and it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never going to come down
If I said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied ooo

Every time I try to talk to you I get tongue-tied
Turns out that everything I say to you
Comes out wrong and never comes out right

So I'll say 'why don't you and I get together and take on the world and be together forever
Heads we will and tails we'll try again'
So I say 'why don't you and I hold each other and fly to the moon and straight on to heaven
Cause without you they're never going to let me in'

When's this fever going to break?
I think I've handled more than any man can take
I'm like a love-sick puppy chasing you around ooo and it's alright
Bouncing round from cloud to cloud
I got the feeling like I'm never going to come down
If said I didn't like it then you know I'd lied

[Pre Chorus - repeat]
[Chorus - repeat]

And slowly I begin to realize this is never gonna end
Right about the same you walk by
And I say 'Oh here we go again, oh'

[Pre Chorus - repeat]
[Chorus - repeat x2 to fade]

If you are wondering, this is "Why Don't You and I" By Santana (ft. Chad Kroeger or Alex Band - depending on where you look)
Nothing else for tonight. I gotta work all weekend. I know that will be fun!

Posted by wyldrob at 10:56 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 3 September 2003
Trying to settle in
I decided that I really needed to get away from things at the Lake, so I am staying at my new place. I still have to move my stuff. But at least I have my bed, so I'm not sleeping in the floor. I am thinking of heading up that way today to grab some stuff. I still have to finish painting here. But it's only trim work. However, that has to be sanded before it can be painted. I will get it done, hopefully today and tomorrow.

I am not going to write much here today. Just wanted to let you know what was going on. Like I said last week, I'll be back to posting more regularly when I get settled.

Posted by wyldrob at 10:04 AM EDT
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Thursday, 28 August 2003
It's official
OK, so as of Sunday I will be officially employed by SKF. I had to go through "benefit orientation" today. It is nice to know that some companies have more quirks just besides being paid a decent salary for what work one performs. I'll have to say that the benefits are pretty damn good here at SKF. I am glad I made it on here. Hopefully I will be here for a long time. But of course you can never tell when something better will come along. But how many places do you know of where benefits start from day one? I can't say that I know of many. Most places have a waiting period.

And I know I have not posted here in a while. I have just been really busy. I am trying to get situated where I can move. I am hoping to start that venture next week. I dread just thinking of having to move all my stuff again. I certainly don't want to do it again after this for a long, long time!

At least I have a friend or two who said they'd help me move. I even had some who offered to help me with fixin' the stuff in the house before I move - ya know, like painting and stuff. So it's pretty good. I am definately taking them up on their offers! I am having "painting" party this Saturday. We are all gonna be painting the walls and stuff. I'll also have someone there redoing the bathroom. So it's gonna be really busy. I just hope that I get everything done this weekend.

I know my posting will be sparce - if at all - over the next week or two. But once I get settled in my new place, I will be back to posting regularly. I know that both of you who read this just love it! LOL

Posted by wyldrob at 9:13 PM EDT
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Friday, 22 August 2003
dumbasses strike again
Well I had a really good day - until I came to the place called home! UGH! That sorry idiot Julie Dumbass is here of course. And she can't even notice an overflowing toilet before it floods the bathroom. That isn't the bad part. The bad part is she doesn't even have the common decency to try and towel the carpet dry. So I came home, and walked in to a slushy floor.. She also left the door closed, so it would be ice cold in there! I swear she and Daddy were made for each other. I can't wait to leave them to one another. It just makes me not want to do the work in my new place and just move in as is, and then do the work as I am living there!

But my good day was because they told me at work that I am not going to be like the other person from the other day. I am not getting laid off. As a MOF, I am getting hired permanently! WooHoo! My official hire date will be 31 August 2003! That means all my benefits and stuff start from that day! And there is a nice little pay raise that comes with that too! The only drawback is they are saying there is a chance I might have to goto night shift. That is not something I am looking foward to doing. I did my time on the night shift before. The one good thing if I have to work nights is the shift differential! It's like 75 cents per hour. That adds up pretty quick! And they are hiring me just in time to pay me the labor day holiday pay too! And I do have to work on Labor Day if anyone wants to know.

OK, it's late and I need to get to bed. But I have to calm down first. I am really trying. These next few weeks aren't going to go fast enough that is for certain! I think I'll stay at Regina's tomorrow night. The Race is on tomorrow night from Bristol. Should be pretty good. We'll see. Another plus is we are planning on having my favorite food, Chinese!

Posted by wyldrob at 10:43 PM EDT
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Thursday, 21 August 2003
ob fever
Well, I just can't stay away! I met up with Rubenia at the Outback tonight for a couple of drinks. I like going during the second happy hour because they have two-for-one appetizers. We definately had a good time. David Walker also joined us.

I managed to get to South Carolina Electric & Gas today. They are supposed to come turn on everything tomorrow. The next step is getting the work done in the house. I have picked out my tileboard for the bathroom and my kitchen flooring. Those are going to require some good manual labor. I hope I can get it done to look halfway decent. I am sure I will require some help in that aspect. I hope to get started next week.

Eddie is supposed to come over tomorrow and check out the work detail. Hopefully he will give me a reasonable estimate for fixing everything.

Well I better get going as I will get up in the morning and take Dana to school. This is one of my new job duties.. rofl

Posted by wyldrob at 12:06 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 19 August 2003
layoffs and mishaps
Well, today was rather good. I did get to work in turning today. WOOHOO! Good thing, because I didn't feel like being stuck in assembly all day. According to my supervisor I am supposed to be hired permanently somewhere around the first of September. But I am not sure if I can believe him or not. He also said that another lady was going to get hired along with me. Well we get ready to go home today, and they laid the other person off! I can't believe that shit. I just hope it doesn't happen to me.

After all she had been there since like December of last year. And they kept telling her that evertying was just fine and dandy. I think it's just wrong for them to do that. I hope they don't do me the same way. I don't mind if they want to lay me off, but geesh.. don't lead me to believe I am going to have a job and then drop a bomb on me like that.

Not much else going on right now. I am sitting here at Regina's. And she just came home with my supper. A taco salad from Mi Rancho! Yum yum! I have not had a taco salad in ages. It will be a welcome change! More later -- maybe

Posted by wyldrob at 8:23 PM EDT
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Monday, 18 August 2003
monday sucks
Not much going on today. Work was ok. It would have been better if I could have worked in turning all day. But nooooo.. the supervisor had be go back to assembly after just about 4 hours.. I don't really like assembly if you have not figured that much out.

Still no word on my raise situation. Maybe I'll find out something tomorrow. This waiting crap isn't worth a dime.

Posted by wyldrob at 9:47 PM EDT
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Sunday, 17 August 2003
choosing paint colors
I have my paint colors chosen for the new place. I'll try to get them next week and begin paiting. That should be fun.

Someone ran into my truck today while Jason and I were in CompUSA. Not a good thing. I'm sure that with my insurance the way it is, I'll have to pay to have it fixed. Not the way I want to be spending my hard earned money. I certainly don't like paying for other people's fuck ups. I guess that is just part of life again.

We went to Outback for a while and joined Millard and Rubenia. I think Jason enjoyed hanging out with us. I am not sure if he could stand doing it all the time though! But it's nice to do every now and then.

Well I'm going off to bed as I have to work tomorrow.

Posted by wyldrob at 10:01 PM EDT
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