Where oh where is my best friend?
Well, I am assuming that since he was up at 5AM just to talk to me, he's gone to bed already. But that doesn't explain him being offline. Weird. And no, I am not thinking highly of myself! LOL.
I've been playing that online trading card game over at
harrypotter.com for quite sometime. I am one card away from finishing the game now. It certainly has taken long enough! I will try to send out offers for that one last card tomorrow. Then I can move onto the SS trading game. I got lots of extras on there, but need about 8 or so to finish. IF you want to get involved, let me know by
emailing me. I'll be happy to tell you how to get started.
We are supposed to have am "important, bad news" meeting in the morning at work. That should be fun. I definately am not looking foward to it. This is especially after they kept me over an hour tonight for some stupid safety meeting. IMHO, the meeting I went to tonight should have taken place within my first day or two of working there. Oh well, can't have everything. But I mean I have worked there nearly two months and they are just now sending me to a "safety awareness" meeting. What kind of shit is that? But at least they do let the employees know that safety is a highly respected virtue. The supervisor said something about it when i started. Anyway.. just weird.
Well being no one is talking to me, I am going to get off of here and go read and then goto sleep. And don't fall over everyone, Daddy actually got off his ass, went to the store and cooked! Well, I of course didn't eat because I was not hungry. But at least he done something. HE's in there washing dishes as I type.
Oh well, I'm outta here! Someone please post something so I'll know who reads this!
Posted by wyldrob
at 10:07 PM EDT