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Robbie - Just random ramblings
Wednesday, 24 September 2003
Paycheck woes
Well, it's always something, right? Today it's my paycheck. The people in payroll set up my direct deposit incorrectly and placed the wrong amounts into the wrong accounts. So I have to get it moved from one account to another. It certainly would be easier if it were just at one bank. And now I have to wait and see if it gets corrected on next week's pay. I know another thing is that I didn't get my raise like I thought I would. I asked my supervisor about it and he said he's waiting for the paperwork. How hard is it for them to get a piece of paper and sign it saying that I now make more per hour. Maybe they just don't want me to have that higher pay!

The DSL modem was going bananas this evening when I got in. I actually have to unplug it so I would be able to get online. Who knows what is up with that. Hopefully it won't happen too often.

I am not sure if I told you last night that my printer was not working. The power light would only blink and nothing more. I just knew it had went to the afterworld. This thing wouldn't even power off. But the only problem is that one of the ink cartridges is bad or whatever. I took out that that cartridge and voila' it started working again. That's a good thing too, because I certainly don't have the money to go out and buy a new printer at this point in time.

Mama's supposed to be calling me back again tonight. Seems we have not gotten rid of all of her computer viruses or something. She called and I had company - unexpected company - and I asked her to call me back. But she has yet to do so. She'll probably wait til I am ready to goto bed and then call. IT would be my luck!

Posted by wyldrob at 9:46 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 23 September 2003
still need the mechanic
Well, I managed to get started putting the new heater core in the truck. I just ran out of daylight. So it'll have to wait til Friday to get completed. It was really not as bad as I thought it would be. Well, yeah it is. I had to practically take the entire passenger side of the dash apart. It's really not a fun task. Needless to say I was cussing very good at it!

I got a new hard drive for the server today! Now I have a total storage capacity of 180 GB! That should hold me for a while. I sure hope it does! I still have to get everything set up on there. I have to move around a lot of files. I am also going to reinstall the OS on there. Sounds like a good project for after work!

Nothing else worth mentioning happened today. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting! Oh yeah it will - I should get my paycheck tomorrow. I can't wait to see if I got my raise!

Posted by wyldrob at 9:56 PM EDT
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mechanic needed
Is anyone out there a mechanic? I think I might need one later this morning when I start to work on my truck. I have to replace the heater core. I wouldn't be so worried about it if I had done it before. So I am thinking I will need a little luck with this project. The Chilton repair manual charges three hours labor for this. I think that means it will me about five hours to do it! There goes my day!

I'll try to post tomorrow to let you know how the repairs go! It's about 2 AM and it's raining outside. Oh what I wouldn't give to be doing something else right now.. And if you don't know what it is, then you need to hear me say once or twice what the rain is good for.. One is for sleeping the other is for.. well use your imagination!

Posted by wyldrob at 1:45 AM EDT
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Monday, 22 September 2003
Well Mama called me a short while ago to inform me she has yet another computer virus. I don't know how she gets them. But she gets them all the time! I don't think I've seen anyone get as many as her.

How was the weekend? It wasn't too bad. I had to stay home Friday because of a migraine. And let me tell you for those who are really lucky and have never suffered from those, they are definately not fun. Imagine each time you open your eyes and the faintest light shines in them it makes your head throb more and more. Couple this with the nausea feeling and it's really great. So basically if you don't have anything to take, the best thing to do it try to rest! Which is what I did Friday. I finally got up a 1 PM. I certainly have not slept that much in a long time. But I still felt groggy throughout the day. But I made it through!

Saturday was pretty uneventful. Work wasn't too bad. I don't think anything worthwhile happened. Sunday was pretty much the same at work. Although we were down nearly half the day for machine failure. I did manage to meet up with Rubenia last night for a couple of drinks at the Outback.

Today hasn't been too bad so far. I had to talk my Mom through getting rid of that virus. I still say she gets them all! But better her than me! LOL Well, I need to get up from here and do some cleaning. More later - maybe.

Posted by wyldrob at 12:22 PM EDT
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Thursday, 18 September 2003
luck's changing
OF course my luck would start to change just in time to head back to work, right?

The day started off pretty normal at least. I got to sleep late - 10 AM! Woohoo! I love the days when I Can sleep in. I managed to get a little more work done here in the house. I am hoping in a couple of weeks that it won't look like a total slob lives here!

I managed to get my lawnmower running today. Someone told me what the problem probably was, and he was right! I guess he does work on thousands of them like he said. The good thing is that now most of the yard is mowed, thanks to Dana. Don't worry, she's getting paid for it! So it's not like it's child slavery or anything! ROFL. She got most of it cut, but the darkness ran up on here, so she'll have to finish tomorrow. I guess that's not too bad.

Two of my DVD's came today as well. I got "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" and " The Ice Storm". I did take time out this afternoon to watch "Midnight.." It's a really good movie. I think that's the first time I have ever sat down and watched it all the way through. It's rather long - about two and half hours - but it's worth it. Of course my favorite character is The Lady Chablis - whom by the way just goes by Chablis (according to my sister, Krista, who met her once). She has a quote in here "It's like my mother always said, 'Two tears in a bucket, motherfuck it!'" I just love that quote.

I placed a hold to get the book from the library. I think it will be an interesting read. I remember my friend Michael telling me once about reading about it in the papers and hearing it on the news. I am sure it was something to live through it. I was too young. Oh well, at least there are books and movies about it!

I managed to give Reid's about $75 of my money this evening. Now I have food for the next couple of weeks. I just have to make myself cook it! I am slowly stocking the cabinets to a suitable level for my liking. I really need to get my freezer working so I can stock up on meats and frozen goods. Luckily the stuff I bought is fairly easy to cook! Can you say microwave and frozen pizza? LOL. At least I don't live too far from the store, so I can just pick up whatever meat I want to cook on the way home or something.

I went to wal mart last night. Did I write about that? Got a few things I needed from there. Now I need a few more things from there, but they'll have to wait til next week.

I guess that's all for tonight. I am still looking for volunteers to come help me clean and unpack!

Posted by wyldrob at 9:19 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 17 September 2003
if it weren't for bad luck...
I tell you that if it weren't for bad luck then I'd have no luck at all. I started out kind of early this morning, waking at about 8:15. I told myself that was pretty good because I had to fix Regina's lawn mower.

Well things started out ok there, I went to one place and they didn't have the parts, so I had to head to downtown Augusta. I finally got the part, and a little cheaper than I had expected too. So I head home to put this thing back together. But guess what happens when I put it back together? You're right if you said it won't run. Now it seems to have a carburetor problem. So now it's off at the "fix-it" place.

After this, I head up to Daddy's to gather my mower. Well, I get there grab the mower and try to start it before even heading back home with it. And as you should already know that damn thing wouldn't start either! By this time I am really frustrated. I go to the lawn mower shop up there and get some parts for it. Come back to Daddy's install them and it still won't run! I just got so fed up with it that I just had to kick it! I guess it's going to the repair shop as well. I would have thought that Daddy might offer to work on it a little more since he does know a thing or two about small engines, but hell no! HE didn't offer anything. I guess he just thinks it would take away his time from the TV.

I managed to grab some stuff while I was up there too. I came home and finally decided that since I had my favorite shower head I would install it. Well as luck would have it - as far as the whole day has concerned - that damn thing broke too when I installed it! So as you see, it has been one really fucked up day. I am ready to call it quits. It's a good thing that I brought all my liquor home from Daddy's. It's just now I really want something like a lemondrop, but I have no lemons! And I would have to go all the way to North Augusta or Aiken to find an open grocery store. I just don't think it's worth the effort. I guess I'll just have a Barcardi Silver tonight.

I just hope tomorrow goes better! Maybe by some miracle, my lawn mower will start! That would be an improvement!

Posted by wyldrob at 11:47 PM EDT
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Monday, 15 September 2003
no more weekend
Well the weekend is over, so is Monday! Not too much happened today. The weekend went by too damn quickly. Being that I had to work Saturday didn't help matters any at all. I have still yet to finish unpacking one room in this house. I did manage to get a decent start on the kitchen. But there is still lots of work to do there. I was going to do some of it this evening, but after having supper and running to the auto parts store, I think I'll pass tonight. I need to finish this book instead!

Posted by wyldrob at 8:45 PM EDT
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Friday, 12 September 2003
time for something
Well I just want to post a few words. Went to Lowe's today. I also managed to fix the lines feeding the washing machine. Now I can actually wash clothes at my own house and not have to goto Regina's! YAH!

I think I spent a little too much at Lowes. I really don't know what I spent it on either. That's a shame!

I did manage to order a few movies this morning too. I have "Midnight in the Garden of Good And Evil", "House Arrest", "Ice Storm", and "Fatal Beauty" on the way. They should be here next week. That is a good thing being that I don't have my DVD player here. It's still at Daddy's! I could watch it on the computer I suppose. But that's no fun!

Posted by wyldrob at 7:06 PM EDT
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9-11 Aftermath
Of course I don't what much TV, and rarely listen to the radio - because they play suck ass syndicated shows so much and all. But I was very surprised that I didn't hear more about the aftermath of 9/11. I did glance at the newspaper and saw they had something about it.

In other news, meaning work, I was informed today that I am about to get another raise. That should go into effect next week! I am so happy. More money is always a good thing. To celebrate, Jason and I went out to the Olive Garden. I can never seem to get Rubenia and Millard to go there anymore. I will say that the quality there has slacked off in the last year or so. With the exception of one visit, I've never had anything that was worth sending back to the chef!

I am coming up on my first broken weekend. This means I am off on Friday, work Saturday and off again Sunday. I'll be kind of glad when they are finished, but then I'll be wanting that extra OT on the short checks when they start again too!

I am definately enjoying this cooler weather. IT is certainly welcome from all the heat we had. Before we know it, it's gonna be freezing cold. But the good thing about that is that it is good cuddling weather. That is of course if you have someone to cuddle with!

I had some other things I wanted to post too, but they seem to have slipped my mind. Maybe they'll come back to me.

And as far as my other posts about nothing - like quotes and stuff - if you don't like them, then don't read! It's my blog, not yours so I'll post whatever I want! ROFL.

Posted by wyldrob at 12:54 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 10 September 2003
more findings
I just had to post this as it was too funny.


"Now son, you don't want to drink beer. That's for Daddies, and kids with fake IDs."

"Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen."

"Maybe, just once, someone will call me 'sir' without adding, "You're making a scene."

"Marge, don't discourage the boy! Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel."

"If you really want something in life you have to work for it. Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers."

"Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose: it's how drunk you get."

"Lisa, if you don't like your job you don't strike. You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way."

Posted by wyldrob at 9:15 PM EDT
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